Channel: The TRANSformation Coach

Apple Cracker Snack

This new snack combines 2 of our favorite snacks: peanut butter on crackers and apple with peanut butter. It is a simple, easy snack for adults and children alike, and great energy for pre and post workout. We use Kashi TLC 7-Grain Crackers, all-natural peanut butter (we often use Justin's Peanut Butter), topped with small slices of apple, whichever kind you prefer. Find Nourish on Facebook and Twitter! For more info, please contact Master Tran at 303-776-1887 or emil me at htran@trans-mafc.com. Please follow me on Facebook, & Twitter. You can also subscribe to my MasterHTtran YouTube channel and The TRANSformation Coach PodCast.

Mediterranean Tuna Salad!

his is a flavorful version of tuna salad without the creamy mayo. Eat it plain, on top of greens, or in a sandwich. It's made with canned tuna in water, onions, celery, kalamata olives, fresh lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste, and a dash of reduced fat feta cheese.
Find Nourish on Facebook and Twitter! For more info, please contact Master Tran at 303-776-1887 or emil me at htran@trans-mafc.com. Please follow me on Facebook, & Twitter. You can also subscribe to my MasterHTtran YouTube channel and The TRANSformation Coach PodCast.

9 Qualities of a Dream Team

I thought you would like to hear what we talk about on our staff weekly meeting. This weeks topic is 9 Qualities of a Dream Team. If you are interested in having Master Tran to:
To speak at an event.
To do a corporate workshop.
To be my life coach.
To consult my martial-arts related business.
For a Muay Thai seminar.
For a Trans Muay Thai Instructor Certification Level 1, 2, 3.
Find Nourish on Facebook and Twitter! For more info, please contact Master Tran at 303-776-1887 or emil me at htran@trans-mafc.com. Please follow me on Facebook, & Twitter. You can also subscribe to my MasterHTtran YouTube channel and The TRANSformation Coach PodCast.

Champions have Discipline!

Champions have Discipline!

Black Belt Champions strive to be their best in every area of life. To become the best you can be in your Martial Arts, at the dojo, at home, and in your personal and professional life… you must have discipline in your Habits, Actions & Attitudes!

Average people wish for great things in life, but often lack the discipline to set and
get specific goals to actually achieve their dreams and desires...

Champions set specific goals for their future and they have the discipline to develop
and follow a Massive Action Plan to achieve them...

Average people tend to give their minimum, hope for success, but are often satisfied
with and willing to accept mediocre results...

Champions strive for Excellence and discipline themselves to give their maximum effort
and energy to achieve greatness...

Average people tend to procrastinate on taking action and are quick to make excuses
for not getting started on their objectives...

Champions never wait…they always create…they are disciplined to take the right
actions that will lead them in the direction of their dreams...

Average people are usually quick to give up and quit, they develop a habit of starting
and stopping, but never finishing...

Champions are disciplined to persevere and stick to it until they do it…
they develop a Non-Quitting Spirit!

The message is simple, anybody can be average, its’ easy to live and accept a mediocre lifestyle. To live life as a BLACK BELT CHAMPION, you are eager to give your best and develop the habit of Discipline in every area.

It’s one of the fundamentals that leads to a better lifestyle for all.

Champions Decide in Advance!

Champions Decide in Advance!

Champions know what they want and they decide in advance what actions
they are going to take to get it.

High achievers predict their future by creating it…everyday.

D.I.A.=>Decide in Advance...

Simply meaning to look into your future and decide exactly what you
want and what you are willing do to get it.

Achievers know that success isn’t a matter of luck, it is a matter of deciding what you want and then going for it. When you decide you want a life filled with health, wealth and happiness, you begin to attract all the things that lead you in the direction of your dreams.

Earl Nightingale says: “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

The more you think about what you want in your future, whether you’re looking at tomorrow, the next few weeks or the next few years, the greater chance you have of making your life better.

The more you focus on the Champion you want to be, the more likely you will
become that Champion. Thoughts lead to Action...Actions lead to Results!

Black Belt Champions decide in advance that they are going to achieve greatness in the Martial Arts. Some seek higher levels of skills and ability in combative application, while others seek excellence in their performance skills.

Either way, you must decide in advance what you want, and then commit to making it happen. Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!

So everyone, Champions Decide in Advanced!

Failure is Life's Refining Process!

Failure is Life's Refining Process! Here are some of the best lessons that I have learned from failure in this podcast video. Find Nourish on Facebook and Twitter! For more info, please contact Master Tran at 303-776-1887 or emil me at htran@trans-mafc.com. Please follow me on Facebook, & Twitter. You can also subscribe to my MasterHTtran YouTube channel and The TRANSformation Coach PodCast.

Hanging Windshield Wipers!

www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

Getting Sarted to do Pull-ups!

I have been getting some request on how can I not improve my pull-ups but how can I get started on doing pull-ups. So here it is. Enjoy!! www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

Fighter's Fitness Challenge, 500 Rep Workout!

www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com Greetings Champions, I just did this workout yesterday and it ROCKS! These are some of the workout I put my fighters and students through. Check it out! Find Nourish on Facebook and Twitter! For more info, please contact Master Tran at 303-776-1887 or emil me at htran@trans-mafc.com. Please follow me on Facebook, & Twitter. You can also subscribe to my MasterHTtran YouTube channel and The TRANSformation Coach PodCast.

Congrats on Finishing the Fitness Challenge!

Make sure to go to my blog and get more details about this "Deck" workout at www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

Just wanted to say thank you!

You don't have to wait till Thanksgiving or the end of the year to be thankful. Being thankful keeps us humble. Check me out at my blog www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com

Strength Training Day 1 of 3!

Strength Training day 1 of 3. For more info on the reps and details, please go to my blog at www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com. Enjoy!! www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

Strength Training Day 2 of 3!

Strength Training day 2 of 3. For more info on the reps and details, please go to my blog at www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com. Enjoy!! www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

The Deck Workout!

Make sure to go to my blog and get more details about this "Deck" workout at www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

Strength Training Day 3 of 3!

Strength Training day 3 of 3. For more info on the reps and details, please go to my blog at www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com. Enjoy!! www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

Morgan Tran doing Pull-ups!

Here is the video that I promise. Morgan Tran doing 21 pull-ups! Enjoy!! www.TheTRANSformationCoachBlog.com , Go to my site and sign up for the newsletter and receive exclusive online offers, invitations and product promotions as well as workout tips, nutrition info, and training techniques!

Champions Display Enthusiasm!

Champions Display Enthusiasm!

Champions are very enthusiastic people that have a special passion
and love to share their excitement and energy for life.

They have a contagious energy for life and they are juiced by success and achievement.

In the dojo and in their personal as well as their professional lives.

Their Black Belt Spirit is a powerful energy force that drives them to perform at peak
levels of excellence. They have a passion that fuels their fire of desire for greatness.

Champions have a special pep in their step and hustle in their muscle.

They brighten up the entire dojo and the people around them, with their smile and they always bring out the best in others. They are positive, productive and hard working.

Champions have a contagious enthusiasm.

Many people believe that the best Black Belts are simply White Belts that never quit.

They have an eager curiosity about the Martial Arts and their exciting journey to excellence.

Champions are ambitious, driven and energized.

They are positive people that influence others everyday in everyway.

Be a Champion - Spread your Black Belt Spirit!

Champions Stay Fit for Life!


As a Black belt Champion in Training, one of your primary goals should be to get
fit and stay fit for life. No Excuses...it's a "Must-Do" for those you love the most!

When you keep yourself in top physical condition, you’ll stay healthier, have more energy, look better, feel better, be stronger and last much longer.

Martial Arts training is the best way to stay in top shape year round.

It leads you to a very versatile and well rounded active lifestyle that strives for year round total fitness of the mind, body and spirit. Not to mention the valuable skills you make habit.

Champions of all ages and stages always work to improve their flexibility, strength and muscle tone, as well as their cardiovascular endurance and overall skills.

“Fatigue makes cowards of us all!” -- Coach Vince Lombardi

Fitness Improves Confidence. When you stay in top shape, you take better care of yourself than most people. The combination of increased effort and emphasis on your
own well being, plus your improved habits helps to boost your confidence.

Fitness Improves Courage. When you are physically stronger, you'll look better, feel
better and you'll last much longer. And you'll see that you become more courageous in situations that you may have previously experienced fear, uncertainty and doubt.

Fitness Improves Concentration. When you are in top shape, you are more alert and will be able to stay focused on your objectives for longer periods of time. The benefits of lasting longer shows up in your mental side as well.

Highly fit people tend to be more positive, productive and successful.

It is a great feeling being in top shape and ON YOUR GAME.

Knowing that you are leading a positive and well disciplined lifestyle that brings out the best in you...Mentally, Physically and Emotionally.

Base Camp: Rest, Renew, Reboot!!

TRANSformation Full System Reboot:
Five rues for the 6 days of Base camp
1) Eat "lean, clean, and green."
2) Drink water in abundance.
3) Enjoy a minimum of seven hours restful sleep each night.
4) Flex your muscle of gratitude and positive focus daily.
5) Recharge with the Base Camp Training Plan.


Champions are Focused!


What is one of the most important qualities you’ll see in high achievers?

It's their ability to stay FOCUSED on their most important goals and objectives. They are able to keep their eye on the ball under pressure, to stay
calm in the sometimes violent sea of distractions we all live with daily.

They have clarity of what they want to accomplish and what they have to do to succeed.

They have laser beam focus on the actions they must take to achieve their ultimate victory!

CHAMPIONS condition their minds to develop a high level of concentration.

They have learned how to turn their mental switch “ON” when it is time to take action.

They also know how to turn it “OFF” when it is time to rest and recover.

They are able to focus and aim their energy in a positive and purposeful direction.

CHAMPIONS condition their bodies to stay healthy, strong, flexible and fit.

They strive to be their best in everything they do.

They train to improve their strength, flexibility and overall endurance.

They know how to maximize their energy for peak performance in and out of the dojo.

CHAMPIONS condition their emotional spirit to be strong under any circumstance.

They have a non-quitting spirit that never gives up.

This gives them the ability to overcome all obstacles that get in their way.

They stay focused on all the positive things in their life...

And, they develop the internal strength and courage to defeat the negatives.

Think about the Champion within you and how you can train yourself to stay FOCUSED
on your most important goals and objectives. By doing this, you are preparing yourself
to achieve at a faster and more aggressive pace than ever before.

Champions Master their Emotions!

Champions Master their Emotions!

All of us are 100% emotional beings. The better you are able to control and direct
your emotions, the healthier and happier you’ll be, and the better you will perform
in the Martial Arts and in life.

MASTER your EMOTIONS, or your EMOTIONS will become your MASTER.

Martial Arts training and daily exercise is absolutely the best way to destroy harmful stress and eliminate negative thinking patterns that can lead your emotions into a slump.

Negative emotions...such as anger, fear, depression and sadness are often magnified if
you allow tension to build up inside. Training eliminates stress!

Martial Arts training forces the negatives out of your mind, body and spirit…and allows you to breathe in the positives.

Another great way to influence your best emotions, is to purposely feed your mind and body the best information you can. Listen, read and watch things that motivate and inspire you. This helps to bring out your best emotions.

If you allow yourself to constantly absorb negatives, it's like junk food for the brain. It can and will cause long term damage to your emotional well being, your mood and your overall state of mind.

Champions strive to master their emotions, by purposely programming themselves for success and achievement.

Everything you think, see, say, hear and do, influences your thoughts and emotions. Once you understand this, you may decide to be more aggressive on programming your thoughts everyday, by watching, listening and doing things that influence your emotions in a positive and empowering direction.

Positive programming leads you toward positive thoughts and emotions.

Positive emotions and energy will bring you greater health, happiness and optimism toward life and better prepare you to face your challenges head on.

Developing positive emotional control is similar to developing your confidence, it requires daily attention and regular conditioning.

Champions are Motivated for Success!


What keeps a Champion so motivated? ACTION!!!

Action creates Motivation!

Too often, people are waiting to get motivated, before they take any action.

That’s not how motivation works.

Once you take action…motivation follows.

The more action you take, the more motivated you will become. Once you decide what
you want…in your Martial Arts, in your education, in your life, you must take action.

“You don’t need to be great to get started, but you do need to get
started to be great!” - Les Brown

It’s true in anything. If you want to become a confident, capable and well conditioned Black Belt Champion, you must take action to get to class and your going to need to take action
on improving your skills and conditioning. NO ACTION=>NO RESULTS!


If you want to become smarter, you must take action to read and study more. If you want
to become wealthy and successful, you must take action to become wealthy and successful.

The more action you take, and the better actions you take, the better results you will achieve.

Motion intensifies Emotion…once you get up and get moving, you’ll feel better, think better and take better actions. Anytime you take action and get in motion…you improve
your emotion.

Doing nothing and thinking negative thoughts causes great harm to
your mind, body and spirit, and can destroy valuable opportunities.

To get to the TOP...Start by getting off your BOTTOM!

Champions are GOODFINDERS!


Becoming a GOODFINDER is a great habit.

It can lead to better relationships in every area of your life. Simply because the more
you focus on the positive, the less distracted and focused you will be by the negative.

BLACK BELT CHAMPIONS strive to master their people skills as well as their Martial Arts.

They always aim to be great team players, in the dojo, as well as outside. At home, school and/or in the workplace. Searching and finding the good in others is one part of being a great team player.

GOODFINDERS search for all the greatest qualities in other people and situations. The main objective is to seek and find the best in people and bring out their most positive qualities.

In the dojo, you may notice that a team mate has shown recent improvement in their flexibility or a particular skill. Maybe they’ve improved their fitness and they’re becoming
more toned. A Champion Goodfinder is quick to praise and compliment team mates on their improvements.

Everyone likes being appreciated and receiving sincere compliments.

Whenever you offer a kind word or a compliment, both people benefit,
you as the giver and the other person as the receiver.

BE A GOODFINDER! Be a force for good; ignite people’s positive energy and emotions. Search for the good and you will quickly find it… search for the garbage and negatives,
and you’ll find that too.

You may need to dig through a ton of dirt, just to find an ounce of gold, however, your not looking for dirt, you’re searching for gold. There’s a lot of GOLD in the people that train at our dojo… Champions bring it to surface everyday!

Champions Train for Gain!!


Some people train hard, some train smart, the goal should be to
train harder and smarter. This is the best way to insure positive
and consistent gains in your martial arts training and in life.

Most aspects of Martial Arts training is very measurable and predictable.

Flexibility, strength, endurance and skill level, are all measurable and vital areas of progress and growth for a BLACK BELT CHAMPION.

The results and benefits you obtain, are a direct reflection of the actions you take and the attention you give each area. Champions strive to make positive progress and continually take action to move forward, eventually leading toward bigger and better gains.

"To get more heat from a fire, you must first put more wood on it!”

Train for Gain by allowing enough time to warm-up and get focused on
training. Once warmed up, get into the game, play it all out and pay
close attention to your form and detail. The devil is always in the details!

Train for Gain by understanding the concept of progress-vs-perfection. Meaning that before we can ever be great at anything, we must be willing to start the learning process. Part of this process is making mistakes, correcting them and practicing the correct skill, over and over again.

Train for Gain is understanding the ratchet effect. This is when we take three steps forward and sometimes take two steps backwards. Understand that we are still ahead of where we began.

Train for Gain by listening to your instructors and coaches. Always be coach-able, stay curious and eager to learn and improve yourself. Most important, keep your goal clearly in mind, and train hard for gain and
you’ll always get better!


Champions have an Indomitable Spirit!

Champions have an Indomitable Spirit!

Have you ever noticed how some people always seem to have an
unstoppable upbeat attitude and maintain a strong zest for life?

BLACK BELT CHAMPIONS call this an Indomitable Spirit.

It's that extra energy and enthusiasm they put into everything they do.

Besides a powerful non-quitting spirit, they have a tremendous hunger
and drive for their Martial Arts and for personal growth and development.

This spirit is a positive energy force that shows their passion, you can see it in their
eyes, you can hear it in their voice, you can feel it whenever you’re around them.

A person with this spirit is always more ambitious than the average person. They are also
more likely to accomplish more, take more action and be very achievement-oriented. They
are far less likely to get discouraged, because they are better conditioned and prepared
to handle the setbacks that they encounter.

They always influence others in a positive fashion.

Their enthusiasm and optimism becomes contagious to others.

It's been said that enthusiasm is contagious, so is the lack of it...

Wouldn’t you rather be a person that brings others up to higher levels
of excellence, instead of the person that drags people down to mediocrity?

BLACK BELT CHAMPIONS always bring people up.

Spread your Spirit - your INDOMITABLE SPIRIT!

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